Tuesday 10 June 2014

Task 5 HA6

Web Designer
From looking at the apprenticeships through the government's apprenticeship site, I came across many apprenticeships. The site gave me the option of what apprenticeship I was aiming at and the location in which I could find it. I typed in "web designer in Manchester" and many results shown up. I carefully read through each one until I found the best apprenticeship. However the company was confidential as I would need to apply to see what company they were, But the location of the apprenticeship was in the north west of Manchester. The apprenticeship would last one week including weekends, and during this time they said I would be able to create one website for the internet. In addition, they said that I would design and update flash components for websites and experience software such as Dreamweaver and Photoshop e.c.t. Overall, I would have to work 3 hours a day all week. Lastly for this job I will need  at least 2 passes in a course relevant to web designing.

Travel and Tourism
The next interesting apprenticeship I found and would quite like to participate in was a Travel and Tourism apprenticeship. The location of where the apprenticeship begins is in London and from there they say we will travel around to different countries. Here I will learn how to travel many miles from home and tour with groups from around the world. In addition they say I will learn how different countries work and meet interesting new people. To take part in this apprenticeship all they want is for me to be passionate about travelling, to be focused on what I want to achieve, and be a good team player. This apprenticeship also gives you the option on how long you want to participate in this apprenticeship, e.g. you have to participate for at least 2 weeks, but you can stay longer up to 6 months.

IT technical support
This sounds a very interesting apprenticeship and so I looked into this more. The location of the apprenticeship however is in Bristol, which is far from where I live. This will last from Monday to Friday and I will be working from the hours 9.00am to 5.00pm. Here it says I will learn how to fix various things from printers to laptops, to PC's and scanners. In addition, Its says I will also be recording issues within CRM systems. It also says that if I want to learn more, it can take up to a year to get an advanced appretecship at level 3. Overall, to participate in this apprenticeship I will need at least a merit in a course related to ICT and a maths grade of C or above likewise English.

Market research interviewer
This apprenticeship is based in Moss side which is close to home. Here it says I will interview people from many different locations from the persons own home. Also, they say that they will give me my own laptop in which I can fill in the in the information on from what the person is saying. For me to take part in this apprenticeship, It says I will need to be able to drive as I will need to travel and I will need a C or above in English as I will need to  interview people using correct terminology. Overall this course will last 3 days, two days during the week from the hours of 2.00pm to 8.00pm and then one day during the weekend with the same hours. I get to decide which days.

concept artist
This apprenticeship is based in Manchester. Here I will learn artistic skills and how to devlop paintings e.c.t using different tools such as paints, charcoal e.c.t. The final task will be to create a piece of art using the skills I have learnt whilst here. I will be working from 1.00pm to 6.00pm for 5 days. In order to do this task I need altleast a grade C in a subject to do with art.

Social Media and Digital Marketing
This apprenticeship is based in Manchester, Here I ill work for 5 days Monday to Friday from the hours of 9.00am to 3.00pm. It says I will learn how to create and send out proposals, how to check through Google analytics's, and also how to update information on the company database. In order to participate in this course; I will need at least 5 GCSE passes including maths and English, and good computer skills as well as good communication skills.

Warehouse Organisation
This course is based in Manchester and during my time here I will learn how to prepare orders from the installation team, store storage into correct places and also build up equipment. This apprenticeship will last for 1 week including weekends from the hours of 12.00pm to 7.00pm. In order to take part in this apprenticeship I will need good communication skills, I will need to be confident when using computers and  I will need to be working at a rate in which I will meet deadlines. No formal qualifications however are needed.

Sales Apprentice
The location of this course is also in Manchester. This apprenticeship will last 5 days Monday to Friday from the hours of 9.00am to 5.00pm. Here I will learn how to introduce the company to new businesses, how to cold call companies, and also how to cleansing date. To participate in this course I will need C's or above in maths and English and good IT skills as well as good communication skills.

Digital Marketing
This apprenticeship is based in Manchester. I will have to for only 5 days from Monday to Friday with the hours 9.00am to 5.30pm. Here I will help with power point-presentations, take part in social media design support e.c.t. I will need 5 GCSE passes including Maths and English and have knowledge with using Illustrator and Photoshop. In addition I will need to have good skills with time management.

Online Retail
This course is based in Manchester. Here I will learn how to manage stock online, use Photoshop to manipulate images, process orders e.c.t. I will have to work for at least 30 hours a week from the days Monday to Friday. However to do this apprenticeship I will need a grade C or above in English and have excellent communication skills as well as Photoshop skills.

Task 4 HA6

From looking into the UCAS site, I have now a far better understanding of courses I could do if I ever decided t go to university. I quite liked the idea of Art and design and so I researched this up on UCAS. I found that during this course I would do many different tasks such as fashion and textile design, industrial design, cinematic's e.c.t. This was a course related to the Manchester school of Art meaning that this would be local to me. However, In order for me to study this course at university I would need Five GCSE passes at grade C or above which must include Art/Design/Media subject plus Maths and English. In addition, they have also asked for the minimum of two GCSE A level or vocational A level passes at grade C or above. In this course, the time duration is 3 years.

The next course I researched through UCAS was Computer sciences and IT. The search gave me a university in Manchester in which is Manchester Metropolitan University. This was local meaning I would have easy access to the university. Here I would learn many different tasks such as technology is computers, graphics in computers and how they work, robotics e.c.t. However in order for me to join this course, I need a UK honours degree in a computer related subject and proof of myself doing work experience  in a computer related job. In addition I need at least 5 passes in,using maths and English. In addition the time duration is 2 years 

Another course I found interesting was Media studies and publishing. Here I would learn journalism, creative writing and media production. Also I found a location where I can study this which is Liverpool hope university. This would mean moving out as it is not local. However to study here, I would need an honours degree (2 2 or above), In addition I would need 5 GCSE passes including English and a course related with IT. the time duration would also be 2 years 

Also, another course that attracted me was tourism and hospitality. The university closest in which holds this course is University of central Lancashire. Here I will learn how tourism management works as well as how festivals use management. In addition I would learn how the international market works. However to study this course I need a honours degree (or equivalent) related to a subject to do with tourism and at least 5 GCSE passes in any subjects. This course is 3 years long.

The final course I looked into was music and performing arts. The university advised to me was Lancaster university.meaning that travel issues may be a problem  Here I would learn drama, how to perform music. However to study here I would need an upper second class honours degree in a relevant discipline e.g. drama. This course will last 2 years

Task 3 HA6

Personal Statement

 As a individual, I believe I work to the best of my abilities e.g. I come in college early to either catch up or complete tasks, or I either stay behind and use my breaks as a chance to improve work, catch up e.c.t. In addition, I have 100% attendance making me a very reliable and trustworthy individual. In contrast, I have now a better understanding when using the software modeller; and just recently I created my own robot sidekick on modeller in which I believe looked very good. Also I managed to finish this task on time due to me using up breaks to continue the sidekick and also not having any days off sure helped me to proceed comfortably. In comparison, I now have a better understanding when using illustrator; and in many tasks illustrator has been needed. e.g.I used illustrator to create a front cover of a game story line I was creating. This went very well and later I proceeded to create a console I was creating on illustrator and this was then used on presentation. However I plan on making improvements and setting goals for next year. Firstly, I plan on increasing my skills on the software Photoshop, as I believe I struggled using this more than illustrator. For example, I need to learn more on the tools of Photoshop, as some I have no idea on how they work. In addition, I believe I need to improve my time schedules for next year e.g. when I set time schedules they never work out. Next year I will set a goal to improve my time schedules and make sure they go to plan. Also, I plan on speeding up my work as sometimes I find my self not moving forward, However I don't want to rush as this may make me make mistakes in work; e.g. I will set my time schedules so I can work more quickly and still develop my work. Overall, I will make sure I will keep the good work up and also try and keep 100% attendance. I will set goals to increase my chances of high grades.


I have many good skills to help me in college life and even out of college. My team work skills are good as I can work in a team effectively and give my thoughts and feeling on work e.c.t. In addition, I can help others with work and tell them what I think would be best to do. I could improve my teamwork skills by asking others how they done things more and what they believe would be best for me. Also, I am confident, ensuring that I can stand and speak in front of people and portray presentations clearly. Also outside of college my confidence grows as I play football e.c.t. In contrast, I am also very reliable. In college I still have maintained 100% attendance making me trustworthy and keen to complete tasks. Also I have good communication skills. An example of this is I used to work making lenses for glasses at a glasses company named "Optics" In order to get the lenses complete, I had to tell my boss where I was at and all the calculations of the lenses meaning without good communication, the job would have been a bigger struggle. This also implies that I am a good problem solver as I had to work out the calculation of lenses and that I am a committed person who will work to the best of his abilities. In comparison, I have a good sense of humour meaning I can get along with others and make them laugh. This skill helps me get along with others and visa versa.

Task 2 HA6


Task 1 HA6

Unit 13

Employment. the Games industry has grew vastly through the years as the development of arcade machines, consoles and games have developed. Considering that technology has grew; working in the games industry requires more people to work for companies such as Rockstar and EA so that challenging tasks such as creating immense and futuristic graphics and clearer audio can  being dealt with.

Development. the games industry has became over powered with reputation as games are becoming all the more popular and better as the years go on. In addition, development however, is very important in the games industry as there are many different roles such as artistic works, publishers, programmers, e.c.t  Furthermore, there are people called developers in the games industry, who play a huge  part such as creating the base of the actual game and story. Also, an agreement will be made which is a contract deal that spells out the terms of development being made or about to be made.

License. the games industry is also very important as games need licenses to be sold in shops all around the world. Furthermore, licensing also is needed for a game creator if they want to create a game based on a film. Basically the Intellectual property owner e.g. the ip and owner of the film will need to meet with game publisher and sign a contract spelling out the terms of license. This license will portray exactly what the publisher is getting the rights to use. As I say, licenses can be used for many different things such as; someone could create a game that only will play on one platform e.g. the XBOX 360 (A LICENCE IS NEEDED FOR THIS ACT TO BE IMPLIED.) However licenses can be a pain for publishers and creators of game as if the creator of a game wants it to be sold on the other side of the world; the licenses will charge more money off them for that. In contrast, licenses only last for at least 5 years but some may last longer.

NDA is also very important for the games industry as they are quite similar to licensing as the NDA have connections with agreements however they also have back up plans in which they keep confidential in case something was to go wrong e.g other game ideas. If the other party agrees not to disclose the info; to keep it confidential the NDA therefore get involved just in case damage to plans are made. NDA - non disclosure agreements.

Collaboration is very important in the games industry considering that this means to work in a group e.g. creating a game. Furthermore,  in games design, team work is needed as there are many areas to collaborate towards; in addition, when using collaboration in the games industry, work is done to a better level and also it gives them a better chance of finishing a game comfortably before its due date.

Copyright is the phrase for protecting a persons work, or peoples work e.g. the video game GTA 5 and making sure that the project is in their name meaning that they have the rights for it. This is very important as people may steel others work and ideas and basically cheat their way to money and it makes creators of games or other things feel more safe when creating a project and when they release it.

Trademark usually known as a TM are every where as this is a symbol or a characteristic which will be added to a product such as video games. They are very important as this officially registers what manufacturer or manufacturers have created it.

Patent is one of the most important things towards manufactures as a patent gives them government permission to use, sell, and manufacture there product. Without them, their product would not be made and this wouldn't be very good for society  In the games industry, a patent is very important as consoles and games are still being improved, manufactured and sold more times than ever in this generation.

A Registered design is a legal right which protects the overall appearance in a product such as a video game case or video game poster. It protects it from country to country.

Violence in video games has increased through the years such as Mario to GTA 5. you can clearly see the difference. Part of this is because of how technology has improved and became more advanced such as better graphics. In this case through the advances, better games have been getting developed with better story lines (may be violent story lines that the game is based on). However it also could be down to society e.g. people getting more aggressive through video games.

Ratings are on every video, DVD, and video games. They start at U and end at 18 in UK. However, the ratings are higher in other countries e.g. only up to 21 either way.
U - no violent usually for toddlers and young children
PG - children need permission off parents
12 - Small bits of violence
15 - violence get bigger and other things such as drug use
18 - violence is large and sex references and drug use is usually involved

UKIE was established in 1989 by video game software publishers in the United Kingdom. Until 2010 it was known as the Entertainment and Leisure Software Publishers' Association. Until 2002 it was known as the European Leisure Software Publishers Association since it was one of the first and strongest such trades across Europe developed

IGDA  means International Game Developers Association and this is where games are designed with collaboration and also where consoles are designed.

Women in games. the most popular women to be included as a main character in a game is Lara Croft; from the 1996 game tomb raider. Even though she was a girl, she played a man role in this game which was different. This character has inspired other game creators to include women into games to play as characters, such as resident evil

BAFTA. This is known as  British Academy of Film and Television Arts; In addition to its annual awards ceremonies, BAFTA has an international, year-round programme of learning events and initiatives offering access to talent through workshops, master-classes, scholarships, lectures and motoring schemes in the UK and the USA. Even though TV Series, Films etc get the BAFTA  so does the games industry games created by many of them.

MEF  allows extensions to be reused within applications, but across applications as well. MEF was introduced as a part of .NET 4.0 and Silverlight 4.

As  a class we did this task to prove and implie that we now had a understanding of different features within the games industry. My strengths in this assignment were that I managed to complete it on time and portray very detailed definitions for tasks.


HA2 Games Graphics Now

Heading 1 - Pixel and Resolution

Resolution is the detail in which a image has; either good or bad quality. in addition, higher resolution means a more detailed image. With resolution you can try and improve a images quality and with Resolution comes different types. Examples of this are
Pixel Resolution - this shows an image in different pixel resolutions e.g. 20 x 20, 5 x 5, 2 x 2.

Resolution illustration.png

Spatial Resolution - Refers to the umber of independent Pixel values per unit length. Basically, the measure of how closely lines can be resolved in an image is Spatial Resolution. Sometimes the more Pixels in an image can make a image look of more poorer quality.

Spectral Resolution - Images with colour that distinguish light of different spectra. In contrast, multi spectral images resolve even finer differences of spectrum or wavelength. Multi spectral images have higher spectral resolution than just our ordinary colour images.

Temporal Resolution - Filming cameras and even high speed cameras can view events at different times. Usually, the time resolution for movies for example is 24 to 48 frames per sec. However the high speed camera usually resolves at 50 to 300 frames per sec

Radiometric Resolution - This controls how finely a system can represent differences in intensity and this is usually expressed as a number of bits or levels. For example, 8 bits or 256 levels for computer image files.


Pixels are a physical point in a raster image - in digital imaging. In comparison, a pixel targets a very small area in a image meaning that very careful adjustments can be made when doing really small and delicate improvements to an image. Here are 2 examples.

LCD pixels are usually in a 2D grid meaning that they are often represented using dots or squares. However, CRT pixels work from their timing mechanisms and sweep rates.


Heading 2 - Vector and Raster Images

Raster images usually represent rectangular grids of pixels or points of colour. Raster images are. Basically Raster allows you to look closely at a image to analyse it. Raster image is also known a Bitmap and is technically characterized by the width and height of the image in pixels and by the number of bits per pixel. Here is a example of a Raster Image.


Vector's - are based on paths or strokes which lead through locations e.g. locations of an image. These are known as control points. Each of the points also have a confirmed position on the X AND Y axis of the work plan. Each point will tell the user which way the Vector is pointing and the location of a point in the work space. All this defines the direction of the track. Lastly, each track can be assigned to a colour a fill or even a shape or thickness. Here is a example of what it does.

File Formats And Uses.

A file format is a standard way that informtion is encoded for storge in a computer file. File formats can be used in many diffeent ways when it comes to encoding for storage.  Examples of this are, 

Ogg -  is used as a container for different types of multimedia (video or audio)
Tiff -  is used for storing images (tagging image file format)
Psd - used for storing Photoshop file format work, images text.
Bmp - known as Bitmap file format is a raster image file format used to store Bitmap digital images. This is capable of storing 2D digital images even when resolution in a image has been hanged. Even when colour is modified it still has the capability of storing a image.
Png - known as portable network graphics, is a raster graphic file format that supports lossless data compression.  This is most common compression file format  used to store lossless images from the internet.

This assignment was for us to show an understanding of what we now know about different types of resolutions. In addition, we also talked about how vector graphics works and raster images/what they are. My strengths I thought was that I was able to give clear very detailed descriptions on each definition.


Gaming in the 6th and 7th generation

Winkey Dink and You

This was a TV show which aired every Saturday morning at 10:30 to entertain children. Jack Barry was the host and the main character was Winky Dink. However, sometimes it was on at 9:30.

What Made It Different ?

Children did not just have to watch considering it was a interactive show in which children could get involved in certain activity. An example of this is vinyl plastic sheets could be bought and they could be put on the TV screen and at a certain time in the programme; Winky Dink would do a dot to dot task in which the children could try and complete it with Winky dink doing the same. This attracted many young viewers.

Laser Disc

This disk was developed by Phillips and could be used for storing things at home on your computer. However, laser disk juke boxes were invented in 1985 in which could play songs such as Michael Jackson hits and Duran Duran hits.

What made it different ?

This was different because it was a disk and not some sort of chip. In addition, and unlike its rivals which were the VHS and the Beta max; it has never managed to get widespread use in North America.

Interactive Tv Movie

This is a video game that features highly cinematic presentation and has a heavy use of scripting. This is usually through animated or even live footage; or through a full motion video

What made it different?

A huge point which made and makes this different even today is that it has other uses. An example of this is that some computer games today use interactive movie play.


This was very much like The windy Dink show but a more challenging type. Harry Potter Hogwartz is an example of this considering that the DVDI made it very competitive and addictive. The DVD was just another example of interactive game play.

What made it different?

The difference was it used advanced technology meaning better audio and graphics and it wasn't a movie as such - it was a game unlike Winky Dink. Also, it was more of a challenge as the tasks set from this e.g. in Harry Potter were harder for people to complete.

This assignment shown that I was able to research up gaming in the 6th and 7th generation and describe how it was e.g. arcade machines to PS2 e.c.t. In addition I then proceeded to describe other things such as DVDi and Interactive TV. I believe my strengths were that I described gaming in the 6th and 7th generation very clearly and gave many examples through out.


Unit 73 IG1

This assignment was given to us so we could learn how to produce VST sound effects and physically record ourselves and other sounds such as birds cars e.c.t. However, the main part was for us to create a cut sequence audio production based on GTA 5. I think my strengths in this assignment were good, but maybe next time I could try and use an American or Russian accent.


Games Technology

SRAM - A type of memory chip in which is faster and requires less dynamic memory.

DRAM - A memory chip that depends on applied voltage to keep the stored data.

EDO DRAM - Synchronous dynamic random access memory that is synchronized with the system bus.

SDRAM - Synchronous dynamic random access memory is dynamic RAM.

RDRAM - Direct RAM bus DRAM or DRRAM is a type of sychronous dynamic.

VRAM - This is a duel ported variant of dynamic.

Input - Input is the term denoting either an entrance or changes which are inserted into a system and which activate or modify a process

Output - Output is the term denoting either an exit or changes which exit a system and which activate/modify a process.

Processing - Processing is an open source programming language and integrated development environment (IDE) built for the electronic arts, new media art and visual design.

Central Processing Unit - This is the hardware within a computer that carries out the instructions of a computer program.

Random Access Memory - Random-access memory (RAM) is a form of computer data storage. A random-access device allows stored data to be accessed directly in any random order

Storage Media - The SM stores data.

This assignment was to show that we knew how different technology is computers worked e.g. how RAM and SM work. My strengths were that I complete this on time. However my weaknesses were that I could have gave more detailed descriptions on some.


Unit 73 IG2

This assignment  proved that we could produce soundtracks or sound effects for different game genres e.g. action, fantasy, puzzle e.c.t. My strengths were that I completed this task on time and produced good sound effects. My weaknesses were that I spent to long on some sound effects meaning I lost out on valuable time.


Unit 78

This assignment was to prove that as individuals, we can create a storyline to a game and even a front cover of the game case from using Photoshop and illustrator. My strengths were that I created a great font cover of myself posing as the character, and also I managed to add a background to the character. My weaknesses were that I needed more time to finish the presentation which was the very last task of this assignment.


Unit 66

This task indicated that we could eventually create our own sidekick for a online game called second life. to perfect our sidekick we created many different things on the software modeler for us to train and learn tools in which modeler had install. As a class we created a hammer, a bat, a briefcase e.c.t. so we could get used to creating different shapes e.c.t. Eventually we could then create our robot sidekick as we now knew more about how modeler works. My advantages is that I managed to create a great sidekick and fished the creation an other tasks in this assignment on time. Next time I plan on creating a sidekick which will be even harder to build as this will test my skills.


Unit 20

The reason we did this assignment was to prove we could create our own console and then present it to the class. My strengths were that I described what technology would be involved with the console along with what the different prices were for different bits of technology 


Lee's Work 

The aim for this part of the course was to use unity and unreal and learn techniques and qualities in which they both have. I learnt how to create and place in object and manipulate terrain e.c.t. However, halfway through we were old we would d more on unreal next year.

Thursday 12 September 2013

task 6 HA1

Employment. the Games industry has grew vastly through the years as the development of arcade machines, consoles and games have developed. Considering that technology has grew; working in the games industry requires more people to work for companies such as Rockstar and EA so that challenging tasks such as creating immense and futuristic graphics and clearer audio can  being dealt with.

Development. the games industry has became over powered with reputation as games are becoming all the more popular and better as the years go on. In addition, development however, is very important in the games industry as there are many different roles such as artistic works, publishers, programmers, etc  Furthermore, there are people called developers in the games industry, who play a huge  part such as creating the base of the actual game and story. Also, an agreement will be made which is a contract deal that spells out the terms of development being made or about to be made.

License. the games industry is also very important as games need licenses to be sold in shops all around the world. Furthermore, licensing also is needed for a game creator if they want to create a game based on a film. Basically the Intellectual property owner e.g. the ip and owner of the film will need to meet with game publisher and sign a contract spelling out the terms of license. This license will portray exactly what the publisher is getting the rights to use. As I say, licenses can be used for many different things such as; someone could create a game that only will play on one platform e.g. the XBOX 360 (A LICENCE IS NEEDED FOR THIS ACT TO BE IMPLIED.) However licenses can be a pain for publishers and creators of game as if the creator of a game wants it to be sold on the other side of the world; the licenses will charge more money off them for that. In contrast, licenses only last for at least 5 years but some may last longer.

NDA is also very important for the games industry as they are quite similar to licensing as the NDA have connections with agreements however they also have back up plans in which they keep confidential in case something was to go wrong e.g other game ideas. If the other party agrees not to disclose the info; to keep it confidential the NDA therefore get involved just in case damage to plans are made. NDA - non disclosure agreements.

Collaboration is very important in the games industry considering that this means to work in a group e.g. creating a game. Furthermore,  in games design, team work is needed as there are many areas to collaborate towards; in addition, when using collaboration in the games industry, work is done to a better level and also it gives them a better chance of finishing a game comfortably before its due date.

Copyright is the phrase for protecting a persons work, or peoples work e.g. the video game GTA 5 and making sure that the project is in their name meaning that they have the rights for it. This is very important as people may steel others work and ideas and basically cheat their way to money and it makes creators of games or other things feel more safe when creating a project and when they release it.

Trademark usually known as a TM are every where as this is a symbol or a characteristic which will be added to a product such as video games. They are very important as this officially registers what manufacturer or manufacturers have created it.

A Patent is one of the most important things towards manufactures as a patent gives them government permission to use, sell, and manufacture there product. Without them, their product would not be made and this wouldn't be very good for society  In the games industry, a patent is very important as consoles and games are still being improved, manufactured and sold more times than ever in this generation.

A Registered design is a legal right which protects the overall appearance in a product such as a video game case or video game poster. It protects it from country to country.

Violence in video games has increased through the years such as Mario to GTA 5. you can clearly see the difference. Part of this is because of how technology has improved and became more advanced such as better graphics. In this case through the advances, better games have been getting developed with better story lines (may be violent story lines that the game is based on). However it also could be down to society e.g. people getting more aggressive through video games.

Ratings are on every video, DVD, and video games. They start at U and end at 18 in UK. However, the ratings are higher in other countries e.g. only up to 21 either way.
U - no violent usually for toddlers and young children
PG - children need permission off parents
12 - Small bits of violence
15 - violence get bigger and other things such as drug use
18 - violence is large and sex references and drug use is usually involved

UKIE was established in 1989 by video game software publishers in the United Kingdom. Until 2010 it was known as the Entertainment and Leisure Software Publishers' Association. Until 2002 it was known as the European Leisure Software Publishers Association since it was one of the first and strongest such trades across Europe developed

IGDA  means International Game Developers Association and this is where games are designed with collaboration and also where consoles are designed.

Women in games. the most popular women to be included as a main character in a game is Lara Croft; from the 1996 game tomb raider. Even though she was a girl, she played a mans role in this game which was different. This character has inspired other game creators to include women into games to play as characters, such as resident evil

BAFTA. This is known as  British Academy of Film and Television Arts; In addition to its annual awards ceremonies, BAFTA has an international, year-round programme of learning events and initiatives offering access to talent through workshops, masterclasses, scholarships, lectures and mentoring schemes in the UK and the USA. Even though TV Series, Films etc get the BAFTA  so does the games industry games created by many of them.

MEF  allows extensions to be reused within applications, but across applications as well. MEF was introduced as a part of .NET 4.0 and Silverlight 4.

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IP stands for intellectual property and refers to a number of different creations in the mind e.g. turning a video game in to a film so that it becomes more recognized.

Franchised IP means to give the right and even the privileged for developing different ideas and releasing them. An example of this is the walking dead as it started as a comic book and still is going today. However, it has been largely developed in to a TV series which has been very successful. Also, it has been developed in to games such as The walking dead survival instincts. In addition, T shirts have been sold with characters from the walking dead on them. This could not take place without the Franchised IP.

Another form of IP is Serialized IP. This is a form of work created from scratch often inspired by other copyrighted works and then built bigger e.g. in to a series. An example is Mario Bros; Shigeru Miyamoto created Mario so he owns the rights and has the privileged over the different Mario games. Original Mario was released in 1983 and has been developed through the years. Also, Mario started off in Donkey Cong but he wasn't called Mario at that time. He was in fact called Jump man.