Thursday 12 September 2013

task 6 HA1

Employment. the Games industry has grew vastly through the years as the development of arcade machines, consoles and games have developed. Considering that technology has grew; working in the games industry requires more people to work for companies such as Rockstar and EA so that challenging tasks such as creating immense and futuristic graphics and clearer audio can  being dealt with.

Development. the games industry has became over powered with reputation as games are becoming all the more popular and better as the years go on. In addition, development however, is very important in the games industry as there are many different roles such as artistic works, publishers, programmers, etc  Furthermore, there are people called developers in the games industry, who play a huge  part such as creating the base of the actual game and story. Also, an agreement will be made which is a contract deal that spells out the terms of development being made or about to be made.

License. the games industry is also very important as games need licenses to be sold in shops all around the world. Furthermore, licensing also is needed for a game creator if they want to create a game based on a film. Basically the Intellectual property owner e.g. the ip and owner of the film will need to meet with game publisher and sign a contract spelling out the terms of license. This license will portray exactly what the publisher is getting the rights to use. As I say, licenses can be used for many different things such as; someone could create a game that only will play on one platform e.g. the XBOX 360 (A LICENCE IS NEEDED FOR THIS ACT TO BE IMPLIED.) However licenses can be a pain for publishers and creators of game as if the creator of a game wants it to be sold on the other side of the world; the licenses will charge more money off them for that. In contrast, licenses only last for at least 5 years but some may last longer.

NDA is also very important for the games industry as they are quite similar to licensing as the NDA have connections with agreements however they also have back up plans in which they keep confidential in case something was to go wrong e.g other game ideas. If the other party agrees not to disclose the info; to keep it confidential the NDA therefore get involved just in case damage to plans are made. NDA - non disclosure agreements.

Collaboration is very important in the games industry considering that this means to work in a group e.g. creating a game. Furthermore,  in games design, team work is needed as there are many areas to collaborate towards; in addition, when using collaboration in the games industry, work is done to a better level and also it gives them a better chance of finishing a game comfortably before its due date.

Copyright is the phrase for protecting a persons work, or peoples work e.g. the video game GTA 5 and making sure that the project is in their name meaning that they have the rights for it. This is very important as people may steel others work and ideas and basically cheat their way to money and it makes creators of games or other things feel more safe when creating a project and when they release it.

Trademark usually known as a TM are every where as this is a symbol or a characteristic which will be added to a product such as video games. They are very important as this officially registers what manufacturer or manufacturers have created it.

A Patent is one of the most important things towards manufactures as a patent gives them government permission to use, sell, and manufacture there product. Without them, their product would not be made and this wouldn't be very good for society  In the games industry, a patent is very important as consoles and games are still being improved, manufactured and sold more times than ever in this generation.

A Registered design is a legal right which protects the overall appearance in a product such as a video game case or video game poster. It protects it from country to country.

Violence in video games has increased through the years such as Mario to GTA 5. you can clearly see the difference. Part of this is because of how technology has improved and became more advanced such as better graphics. In this case through the advances, better games have been getting developed with better story lines (may be violent story lines that the game is based on). However it also could be down to society e.g. people getting more aggressive through video games.

Ratings are on every video, DVD, and video games. They start at U and end at 18 in UK. However, the ratings are higher in other countries e.g. only up to 21 either way.
U - no violent usually for toddlers and young children
PG - children need permission off parents
12 - Small bits of violence
15 - violence get bigger and other things such as drug use
18 - violence is large and sex references and drug use is usually involved

UKIE was established in 1989 by video game software publishers in the United Kingdom. Until 2010 it was known as the Entertainment and Leisure Software Publishers' Association. Until 2002 it was known as the European Leisure Software Publishers Association since it was one of the first and strongest such trades across Europe developed

IGDA  means International Game Developers Association and this is where games are designed with collaboration and also where consoles are designed.

Women in games. the most popular women to be included as a main character in a game is Lara Croft; from the 1996 game tomb raider. Even though she was a girl, she played a mans role in this game which was different. This character has inspired other game creators to include women into games to play as characters, such as resident evil

BAFTA. This is known as  British Academy of Film and Television Arts; In addition to its annual awards ceremonies, BAFTA has an international, year-round programme of learning events and initiatives offering access to talent through workshops, masterclasses, scholarships, lectures and mentoring schemes in the UK and the USA. Even though TV Series, Films etc get the BAFTA  so does the games industry games created by many of them.

MEF  allows extensions to be reused within applications, but across applications as well. MEF was introduced as a part of .NET 4.0 and Silverlight 4.

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