Tuesday 10 June 2014

Task 3 HA6

Personal Statement

 As a individual, I believe I work to the best of my abilities e.g. I come in college early to either catch up or complete tasks, or I either stay behind and use my breaks as a chance to improve work, catch up e.c.t. In addition, I have 100% attendance making me a very reliable and trustworthy individual. In contrast, I have now a better understanding when using the software modeller; and just recently I created my own robot sidekick on modeller in which I believe looked very good. Also I managed to finish this task on time due to me using up breaks to continue the sidekick and also not having any days off sure helped me to proceed comfortably. In comparison, I now have a better understanding when using illustrator; and in many tasks illustrator has been needed. e.g.I used illustrator to create a front cover of a game story line I was creating. This went very well and later I proceeded to create a console I was creating on illustrator and this was then used on presentation. However I plan on making improvements and setting goals for next year. Firstly, I plan on increasing my skills on the software Photoshop, as I believe I struggled using this more than illustrator. For example, I need to learn more on the tools of Photoshop, as some I have no idea on how they work. In addition, I believe I need to improve my time schedules for next year e.g. when I set time schedules they never work out. Next year I will set a goal to improve my time schedules and make sure they go to plan. Also, I plan on speeding up my work as sometimes I find my self not moving forward, However I don't want to rush as this may make me make mistakes in work; e.g. I will set my time schedules so I can work more quickly and still develop my work. Overall, I will make sure I will keep the good work up and also try and keep 100% attendance. I will set goals to increase my chances of high grades.


I have many good skills to help me in college life and even out of college. My team work skills are good as I can work in a team effectively and give my thoughts and feeling on work e.c.t. In addition, I can help others with work and tell them what I think would be best to do. I could improve my teamwork skills by asking others how they done things more and what they believe would be best for me. Also, I am confident, ensuring that I can stand and speak in front of people and portray presentations clearly. Also outside of college my confidence grows as I play football e.c.t. In contrast, I am also very reliable. In college I still have maintained 100% attendance making me trustworthy and keen to complete tasks. Also I have good communication skills. An example of this is I used to work making lenses for glasses at a glasses company named "Optics" In order to get the lenses complete, I had to tell my boss where I was at and all the calculations of the lenses meaning without good communication, the job would have been a bigger struggle. This also implies that I am a good problem solver as I had to work out the calculation of lenses and that I am a committed person who will work to the best of his abilities. In comparison, I have a good sense of humour meaning I can get along with others and make them laugh. This skill helps me get along with others and visa versa.

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