Thursday 12 September 2013

task 2 HA1

Games Designer- Game Designers are responsible for devising a game e.g. how it plays and what it consists of.

Programmer – computer games The Programmers type in codes in which control the future game being created and design different types of things that will be included in the game. Things such as movement of sea for example.

External Producercomputer games These people make sure that game deliveries are running well whilst also working externally from the development team.

Lead Programmer – computer games The leader of programmers leads the programming team making sure that the codes that run the controls of a game are created and then working with a good standard.

Artist – computer games Artists create the visual elements of a game such as characters, objects, props, vehicles. They even use interface components - (menus)

Creative Director – computer games The directors have a very important job as they have to oversee any major decisions in which could make or break a computer game e.g. the story mode missions may be too easy or boring. Technical artist These people act as a bridge between the artists and the programmers to give advice toward both of them.

The Q A Testers - They basically test the games abilities e.g. testing the movement of characters and vehicles, sound, graphics and also ensure and give advice on how some can be improved and also why some are good as they are.

Lead Artists- The lead artists are responsible for how the game looks in its overall state. If the public are unhappy with the final graphics they shall will be held responsible along with fellow artists.

Animator- These people create the movement of characters, objects and even wind and rain effects. They also work on behavior that will participate in the game, such as how the characters change mood.

Project Manager – producer These people will ensure that a successful delivery of a game is on time with a decent and correct budget. E.g. if a game was said to be £50; the project manager could change that to maybe £40 if they see it as too expensive.

Assistant Producer-These people work with production staff to make sure that the highest quality of a project is made possible.

Level Editor- The Level Editor defines and creates interactive architecture for a game, including the landscape, buildings, and objects.

Product (Brand) Manager- These people try their best to make sure that a game has a good reputation by broadcasting the game in many different places and advertising it to make sure that many sales will be made; getting the games company enormous amounts of money.

Audio Engineer- They create the soundtracks for a game. E.g. the main soundtrack and music to go alongside the game such as soundtracks for missions. Harry's PowerPoint

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