Thursday 12 September 2013

Task 1 HA1

Task 1 Structure – The Value Chain Create a diagram that describes, explains and analyses the Value Chain within the games industry. Include a profile of each sector.
Press and media
This is a large sector of the games industry, providing important journalistic outputs, reviews and analysis for both trade and consumer for games e.c.t. This also includes magazines websites and television.

These companies in the games industry are responsible for advertising, promoting, marketing and also distributing. They are mostly international companies working together to make sure games are published. In addition, publishers have a key influence on which games get made.

Distribution and retail
These people have the job on "selling in" to retailers e.g. delivering games directly from the warehouse to the retailer. Also retailers assure that there is "shelf space" for games through publisher/distribution negotiation and organise points of sale promotions.

Mobile platforms and social networking
Social networking is reliable on ensuring that people from around the world can come together either by speaking or texting through a mobile phone e.c.t. This also applies to other social networking sites such as Facebook. Mobile platforms ensure that users can search for things they need through mobile phone e.g. this could be an apps page for games e.c.t.

Console manufactures and first party publishers
First party publishers are reliable for making the hardware e.g. the console in which the game is played on. This applies for companies like Microsoft and Sony or even some mobile platforms.These companies are the so called "gate keepers" of the games industry as they decide whether to approve each game targeted for development on their console platforms. However, console manufactures help these companies as they are the ones creating and building the consoles.

Outsourcing companies
These provide a variety of services to many different developers and publishers. Furthermore,  they also provide services for games artist, animation developers, graphics designers as well as rendering groups and programmers fro games.

These are the production studios which create and develop the game titles.  Developers can be independent or owned by a publisher. There are also groups known as "developer groups" in which work together in their development in games.

Google images used from internet.

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